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国外不列颠哥伦比亚 Peachland 小学HV项目

不列颠哥伦比亚 Peachland 小学

Peachland Primary School - Okanagan Valley, BC

Peachland 小学的修复项目是一个极好的机会、用来 展示 Hi-Velocity 系统紧凑、灵活、节能等产品特点。利用前沿技术,我们能够满足这种多功能 设施的各种要求和需要、同时保证优质室内空气质量 (IAQ) 和能源效率。 The Peachland Primary School Restoration Project in the beautiful Okanagan Valley in British Columbia was an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the Hi-Velocity System’s compact, flexible and energy efficient characteristics. Using leading edge technology, we were able to satisfy the many demands and needs for this multifunction facility while maintaining top quality Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and energy efficiency. 
